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What happen If You Met a Time Traveler?

  If time travel is possible, why haven't we met a single time traveler yet? And if we did meet one, how would we know they weren't faking it? In 1998, a gentleman by the name of John Titor arrived from the future. Or so he said. In his timeline, as he claimed, General Electric had managed to invent time travel in the year 2034. He even showed and described his time traveling device in great detail. And then Titor vanished, as abruptly as he appeared. Did he finish his mission? Or was he real at all? If we were able to prove that someone has traveled from a different time, it would be very cool for science. Although it might overwrite Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. Einstein approached time as a fourth dimension. Space is a three-dimensional spectrum that provides us with length, width and height. Time offers direction. Together, they form a space-time continuum. And it can be affected by gravity. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, gravity is a curve ...
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