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What happen If You Met a Time Traveler?

  If time travel is possible, why haven't we met a single time traveler yet? And if we did meet one, how would we know they weren't faking it? In 1998, a gentleman by the name of John Titor arrived from the future. Or so he said. In his timeline, as he claimed, General Electric had managed to invent time travel in the year 2034. He even showed and described his time traveling device in great detail. And then Titor vanished, as abruptly as he appeared. Did he finish his mission? Or was he real at all? If we were able to prove that someone has traveled from a different time, it would be very cool for science. Although it might overwrite Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. Einstein approached time as a fourth dimension. Space is a three-dimensional spectrum that provides us with length, width and height. Time offers direction. Together, they form a space-time continuum. And it can be affected by gravity. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, gravity is a curve ...

What happen if sun disappear for 5 seconds??

 The sun is 330 thousand times the mass of our earth, and every single second it produces as much energy as 100 billion hydrogen bombs. The sun is so big that it’s the dominant gravitational force in our solar system, and 8 planets along with countless space objects orbit around it. To sum it all up, we need the sun. if it went anywhere, even for just 5 seconds, shit would definitely go down. It takes 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach the earth. So if the sun disappeared for 5 seconds, we wouldn’t even know about it until 8 minutes later. If the sun disappeared for 5 seconds, the parts of the world that were experiencing daylight at the time would get a very quick 5 second night, where the stars are visible. the parts of the world that were experiencing night at the time that the sun disappeared, wouldn’t see the moon because the moon’s light is reflected from the sun. If the sun disappeared for 5 seconds, it wouldn’t be too big a deal at first.

We would still have electricity for those 5 seconds. Plants would stop making food because without the sun there is no photosynthesis. They of course would continue making food after the sun returned after 5 seconds. It can be assumed that the planet will get quite a bit cooler for those 5 seconds, and the average temperature could even drop to zero degrees Celsius. This would probably be quite a shock for people who lived in warmer climates. Imagine going about your day when all of a sudden, the sun goes out and the air is quite a bit cooler. Its not necessarily the light from the sun going out for 5 seconds that I’m worried about, its how it would affect gravity in our solar system. The sun provides heat and light for our solar system, but The sun holds everything in our solar system in place. Interestingly, before Einstein, scientists assumed that gravity acted instantaneously. But in his theory of general relativity, the force from gravity isn’t instantaneous. Gravity travels at the speed of light as well, so we would see the sun go out and feel it disappear at the exact same time. . If the sun disappeared, even if it were for just 5 seconds, all the objects in our solar system would assume an unstable orbit. They would then be sent flying in the direction that they were headed in a straight line rather than continuing on their elliptical orbits. The earth orbits the sun at a speed of 67 thousand miles per hour, or 30 miles per second. Do a bit of math, and the earth’s orbit would change by less than a kilometer. Even though this doesn’t seem like much, This could cause our planet to move further away from the sun, so when it goes back into orbit, the earth could be quite a bit cooler. This would affect the environment in many different ways. Certain plants cant survive in cooler weather, and certain species of animals who rely on the heat would also suffer. Its difficult to determine just how much a change in temperature would affect life on earth, but as we have seen, a drop in temperature has caused many different species to go extinct. Even though the sun and its gravity would return after 5 seconds, in extreme cases, its temporary disappearance would cause the objects in our solar system to be knocked off course, where eventually they could float away into space entirely and be lost forever, or they would eventually crash into other objects in our solar system.

Again, any crashes would n’ t happen right away because gravity also travels at the speed of light, but throwing our planets orbit off course would definitely have long term implications. Apart from the sun’s obvious jobs, You might not have known this but The sun also creates a magnetic field around the solar system. The field is called the heliosheath, and it deflects harmful radiation particles that come from outside our solar system. Take away the sun, and then our heliosheath is gone, which means that all the radiation that is currently blocked will be able to make it into our solar system. Once the sun returned, the heliosheath would be far less able to safely deflect all the radiation that bombards our solar system from space. On the bright side, we would likely see beautiful aurora up in the atmosphere, but on the negative, electrical grids we rely on would short out and satellites that are currently in orbit might stop functioning. This already happens when solar flares affect our planet.

Thankfully, the sun isn’t going anywhere, and it definitely isn’t disappearing for 5 seconds any time soon.


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