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What happen If You Met a Time Traveler?

  If time travel is possible, why haven't we met a single time traveler yet? And if we did meet one, how would we know they weren't faking it? In 1998, a gentleman by the name of John Titor arrived from the future. Or so he said. In his timeline, as he claimed, General Electric had managed to invent time travel in the year 2034. He even showed and described his time traveling device in great detail. And then Titor vanished, as abruptly as he appeared. Did he finish his mission? Or was he real at all? If we were able to prove that someone has traveled from a different time, it would be very cool for science. Although it might overwrite Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. Einstein approached time as a fourth dimension. Space is a three-dimensional spectrum that provides us with length, width and height. Time offers direction. Together, they form a space-time continuum. And it can be affected by gravity. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, gravity is a curve ...

What Would Happen If a Person Was Frozen for 100 Years and Then Unfrozen?


Hello everyone humankind is more than two and a half million years old many things have happened during this time and every one of them keeps raising questions what will happen if you freeze a person for a century what do you feel when you return to Earth from outer space why do people in old photographs look ill well today we will lift the veil of secrecy and well and tell you a lot of interesting things are you ready let’s get it on what happens if you freeze a person for a hundred years fry the most famous pizza delivery guy in the universe slept in a cryo camera for a thousand years woke up in a new world experienced a bunch of adventures even became a meme fry of course can be envied but we’re not talking fantasy today the idea of freezing people for their subsequent revival appeared in the 18th century and many scientists since have actively supported it in 1967 a person was placed in a cryo camera for the first time and since then the number of volunteers keeps growing well why not it does look pretty tempting you lie in a special refrigerator for a few years get enough sleep and wake up in the future whether a flying Tesla’s piece around the world of half-life 3 is out but is the thing scientists can easily freeze a person but they do have some problems with defrosting them that is you can put a person in a cryo camera for a hundred years but there’s no guarantee that when the alarm goes off and the deadline comes the frozen person will be able to get up and come to their senses our blood is the main problem because like any liquid it turns into a pile of small crystals at a very low temperature if the body gets a little warm these icicles will cause internal bleeding and the person will die so even taking into account today’s technology achievements this procedure isn’t safe on the other hand only 50 years of per since the first person on earth was frozen so we don’t know for sure maybe in twenty sixty seven scientists will find a way to defrost us and future cryo camera users will have a more pleasant time buttons on shirts here’s a funny fact buttons on men’s clothing are fastened to the right side and on the female clothing to the left we know we know you can’t wait to check if this is true right okay we’ll do it quickly we’ll wait for you you see so you’re probably wondering why this is so it can’t just be in order to distinguish men and women’s clothes besides there are a lot of things for this purpose skirts for example we thoroughly studied this question and found several reasons for this button conspiracy some researchers believe that it’s because of the maids who help the rich ladies to dress these hard-working girls are mostly right-handed which means that the buttons on the Left made the process of fastening clothes on the lady easier and faster and men even very rich most often dressed without help so they button their buttons to the right using the right hand what do astronauts feel when they come home since people haven’t yet figured out how to build an alarm for c’n flights into space are still a rare dangerous and rather risky business from the moment that rocket is launched to the return to earth it’s not surprising that some astronauts call the moments of landing on their native planet as second birth and it’s not because of the incredible g-force but because the consequences of space flight after landing astronauts always take time to get used to walking on a hard surface and recover physically almost all people who’ve been in space experience heavy in the whole body which can last for days they feel dizzy when making a sharp turn and some begin to feel sick the reason is the gravity of Earth their bodies get used to living without gravity pretty quickly on the ISS and they undergo several changes due to the fact that calcium comes out of the bones in space they become terribly fragile there was a case when an astronaut broke his finger by just slightly touching a table and don’t forget about habits that work only on earth don’t ask a person who’s just arrived from outer space to give you something but it is likely just to throw this thing at you or at least be ready to dodge do fish talk most of our viewers will say that fish can’t talk after all everyone knows that fish are dumb and underwater there’s complete silence because there’s too little airs it’s talk yes we agree there really is not enough air at least for humans to talk but who said that underwater inhabitants couldn’t come up with their own way after all sound travels five times faster in water and it would be strange not to use this to their advantage however the range of sounds available to fish isn’t very wide nature hasn’t endowed them with voice resonators therefore underwater inhabitants make noises with anything they can some use their swim bladder others their scales some use fins others their gills carp makes a cracking sound with its teeth located in its deep throat experienced divers say that sometimes you can hear grunting deep underwater no don’t worry it’s not some unfortunate little pig turn evil Kraken is dragged to the bottom of the sea actually several kinds of fish can grunt for example the rusty blenny in the angelfish don’t think these sounds appear just because they have nothing to do every sound depends on the situation for example the mackerel after meeting a fish of the opposite sex starts to quiver happily and Plec dog neethu fishes usually make sounds because of fear these fish inflate their body producing a loud croaking we’re not kidding friends some fish do use sounds to drive away or attract to other inhabitants of the ocean because yes they can hear what’s next not pressing a fish and octopus playing the clarinet a sponge selling hambert oh wait yeah and that does sound familiar why is why is yawning contagious ah you will probably want to know how yawning works well if someone in the room yawns everyone else starts yawning as if by command what is the reason for this strange effect after all if one person needs a little more oxygen it doesn’t mean that everyone needs it let’s be honest scientists haven’t yet found an adequate answer to this question and are constantly suggesting new theories the coolest of them is that yawning is a manifestation of empathy we have mirror neuron reactions in our head so when we see manifestations of something in another person we imitate the other person’s movements therefore the better we know the yawning person the more we sympathize with him or her and the more chances we yawn in response by the way dogs often yawn if the owner does it feel the connection however this doesn’t apply to groups of people with increased drowsiness for example in the morning in a subway or at the first class at school there are no secrets all yawning people just really really want to go back to a warm bed and keep dreaming and not go anywhere give us a like if you just yawned why women started shaving their legs the fashion is a very changeable thing to understand this you just have to look at some old pictures nowadays even a sweatshirt from last year’s collection can be considered hopelessly outdated but there are things in the world that have a much longer life for example the makeup used in ancient Egypt you must remember these beautiful winged eye liners on Pharaohs faces and what about cosmetic procedures it seems the girls have been shaving their lakes plucking their eyebrows and doing other strange and sometimes rather painful procedures for thousands of years and historical films seem to prove it showing us well-groomed beautiful actresses even in the midst of some jungle or that gloomy Middle Ages however in fact the tradition of shaving legs appeared only during the Second World War and not because women suddenly decided that they needed to be different from hairy men the reason is the shortage of stockings in the US and the fact that it was considered indecent to go out with bare legs with the beginning of the war almost all nylon and silk was used in the production of parachutes and so the crafty women found a brilliant way out there began to draw stockings right onto their skin a tonal cream was applied to the legs which gave them a peculiar glimpse of nylon and for greater resemblance they drew a seam on the back of their legs of course for all these procedures the skin needed to be shaved and it wasn’t some kind of life hack from a single resourceful woman beauty and hairdressing salons started offering applying liquid stockings at the request of the customer they could draw not only a seam but even holes and stitches maximum realism with the end of the Second World War stockings began to gradually return to the shelves but the fashion for shade Lakes has survived until now why people in old photos have their hands on other people’s shoulders if you check some old photographs you’ll probably notice that the poses in them look a bit strange people used to put their hands on other people’s shoulders or hold on to certain objects and sometimes they’d just shake hands with each other as if they’re strict parents force them to reconcile you can build different theories on this for example that the hand on the shoulder is a sign of great trust or a rule of etiquette but in reality everything was a bit different the fact is that the process of photography used to last much longer than today and photographers of the past didn’t even dream about taking pictures in just a split second back then they had to deal with complex devices a few minutes to an hour before the photo was made and now imagine how difficult it is to remain absolutely immobile in such a situation and even try to smile even now that the click takes just a sec some impatient models still manage to jerk and as a result blurred spots appear and then mysticism lovers start looking for ghosts but if today a blurry photo can be easily repeated than a hundred years ago it was necessary to start the entire process over again that’s why back then photo studios had a lot of different devices for single photos bookshelf’s stands and even sculptures that could be leaned on in addition don’t forget that this was the beginning of the photography era and many people were distrustful of the camera they felt shy and didn’t know where to put their hands so the solution was to put your hands on the shoulder of the other model also give him a handshake and it was a way to rest so what other questions have been puzzling you guys tell us in the comments.


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